Discover the Power of 50ml Hydroponic Plant Nutrient Solution
1. Healthy plants come from a well-developed root system. The more developed the root system, the more vigorous. With our Fast Rooting Nutrient, you can take good care of the plants with very little effort.
2. Comprehensive regulation of plant growth and development! Strong and rapid root growth, strengthen seedlings and plants, improve survival rate, greener leaves, sweeter and richer fruit.
3. Widely used in melons, flowers, succulents, vegetables, fruits, home greenery, landscape plants, etc.
4. Effectively increase plant vigor, turf greening and growth, flower development sites, and garden yields.
Net content: 50ml
Dosage and Instructions for Use:
Cutting: Take 10 drops of this product and add it to 500ml of water. Soak the bottom of the branch for 0.5-1 hour before cutting.
Root watering: Add 10 drops of this product to 500ml of water. Water directly and use every 15 days.
Hydroponics: Take 5 drops of this product in 500ml water. The mixed solution is hydroponics, and the water is changed every 2-3 days.
Seed soaking: add 5 drops of this product to 500ml of water. Generally, soak the seeds for 0.5-1 hour before sowing.
See more product details:
1. Encourages root development and enhances vigorous vegetable development in early stages. This Liquid Fertilizer delivers what you want most: green, and healthy grass.
2. Nutrient Solution is an organic multi-purpose vegetable food. It adopts a concentrated formula. It is convenient and does not require you to spend time diluting it.
3. Hydroponic Solution Refer to the scale line on the bottle body and use the ratio of 10 drops to 500ml water. Essential formula, do not use in excess.
4. Organic Hydroponic Fertilizer is good for roots, stems, leaves, blooms, foliage, and overall vegetable health. great for Bahia, fescue, ryegrass & Kentucky bluegrass.
5. Our Organic Liquid Fertilizers are very suitable for a variegated display of Christmas, wedding, engagement, anniversary, or party.
Our 50ml Hydroponic Plant Nutrient Solution Fertilizer is a potent player in the hydroponic game. From green seeds to bamboo flowers, every element of your hydroponic system is addressed in our concentrated fertilizer.
Unlike traditional soil cultivation, hydroponics allow for precise control over your plants' nutrients. Our 50ml Hydroponic Plant Nutrient Solution Fertilizer takes the guesswork out of this process. Its carefully balanced formulation provides all the essential minerals and nutrients that your plants need to thrive. This promotes quicker growth, bigger yields, and overall plant health.
This versatility is key to our 50ml Hydroponic Plant Nutrient Solution Fertilizer. Whether you're growing leafy greens, blooming flowers, or hearty bamboo, this solution provides the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and blossoming. Plus, this concentrated formula goes a long way, so a little really does go a long way! Harness the power of hydroponics today with our 50ml Hydroponic Plant Nutrient Solution Fertilizer.